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Рейсу Абакан – Иркутск быть!

С 21 января 2021 года авиакомпания «ИрАэро» возобновляет рейс по направлению Абакан – Иркутск – Абакан.

Рейс будет выполняться по четвергам, прибытие в аэропорт Абакан в 22.30, отправление из Абакана в 23.30. Время в пути 1 час 20 минут. Время рейсов подобрано специально таким образом, чтобы пассажиры, прибывающие из Абакана, могли воспользоваться удобными стыковками, в Улан-Удэ, Читу, Хабаровск, Благовещенск и Владивосток, в Усть-Кут, Бодайбо, Ленск, Талакан, Нерюнгри и Полярный.

Приобрести билеты можно онлайн на сайте аэропорта https://abakan.aero или в круглосуточной кассе аэропорта. Отметим, что на первый рейс из 50 билетов уже 41 продан.

Подробная информация по единому бесплатному номеру: 8-800-550-91-47.




Druzhby Narodov Avenue, 59 AA1A2A3, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russia 655313


Druzhby Narodov Avenue, 59 AA1A2A3, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russia 655313

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Interpreter / International Partners Relations Specialist: Osipenko Irina Sergeevna, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +7 (923) 282-44-32

Phone numbers for passengers

name Phone
Call Center +7 (3902) 282-854
VIP Lounge +7 (3902) 296-423
Baby Care Room +7 (3902) 282-854
Medical Center +7 (3902) 296-586



Airfield Characteristics

Classification ICAO: Not categorized

Airfield height:.............253,44 m

Runway class: B

Runway dimensions: 3250х45 m

Surface: asphalt-concrete

Runway surface strength: PCN 80/F/B/X/T

Bearing capacity of the taxiway, apron: PCN 51/F/B/X/T

IAPs (Instrument Approach Procedures):

  • ILS RWY 02/20;
  • 2NDB Approach RWY 02;
  • NDB Approach RWY 20.

The airfield is equipped with approach lighting systems:

  • RWY 02: Category 1 High Intensity Lights (ICAO cat. I), approach lights 900 m, PAPI (2º40´)
  • RWY 20: Low Intensity Lights, approach lights 421 m for landing, Category 1 High Intensity Lights (ICAO cat. I) for takeoff, PAPI (3º10´)

Throughput of the airport complex: 400 passengers per hour

Commercial warehouse capacity for cargo handling: 40 tons per day

Working hours: around the clock

Local time UТС+7

Abakan Airport can currently accept and handle the following aircraft types: А319, А320, А321, B737-300 (400, 500, 800), В757-200, B-747-400ERF, B-747-8F, MD-11F, IL-86, IL-76, IL-62М, IL-18, RRJ-95, Tu-214, Tu-204, Tu-154, Tu-134, An-28, An-148, An-124-100, An-74, An-72, An-26, An-24, An-12, An-2, Yak-40, ATR-42-500, ВАе125-700, Bombardier CRJ -200 and modifications, Cessna 208 Grand Caravan, Cessna 206, L-410, Be-200, Bombardier Challenger CL30, CL60, CL64, CL85, FALCON TX, F900, Bombardier global EXPRESS, Gulfstream IV, V, VI, Cessna C680, C560XL, King Air 3501, Embraer E35, E55, ERJ145, 135, 140, 130, 170, Hawker Siddely HS-125, ASTR, GLEX,  Pilatus PC-12, Learjet 55, 35 and modifications, and all types of helicopters.

The airport is designed to perform scheduled, international, training, test flights, and aviation operations. The airfield is not categorized; it can be used as an alternate airfield for aircraft of index 1-7.

ATTENTION! JSC «Abakan Airport» does not provide services for handling dangerous goods.


Paid Parking Area

Dear passengers!

For your convenience, there is a long-stay paid parking lot on the territory of JSC «Abakan Airport». It is located 50 meters to the right of the terminal building.



Boarding for the flight begins 40 minutes before the scheduled departure time or as directed by the airline representative. A printed boarding pass is required.

When booking tickets online passengers may print out a boarding pass on their own or receive a boarding pass in paper form at the airport at check-in points.

In addition, if passengers travel with «Aeroflot», they can print out their boarding pass at the self-check-in kiosk located on the first floor of the terminal no later than 45 minutes before the flight departure time.

A boarding pass issued in electronic form (not on paper) cannot be used at Abakan Airport due to the lack of an information system, which includes an electronic screening database, and a device that scans the barcode contained in the boarding pass issued in electronic form.

When boarding is announced, you need to go to the appropriate gate and present your boarding pass to the boarding officer.


Leading Transport Organizations of Russia

Abakan International Airport is included in the National Register «Leading Transport Organizations of Russia»

The Register is formed annually based solely on proposals from state and municipal authorities.

The purpose of forming the Register is to create a single information resource about transport organizations and enterprises, whose activities make a positive contribution to the economic and social development of the transport industry in their region. The Register is designed to help state and public institutions, enterprises, organizations, and ordinary citizens in Russia and any country in the world to search for information about the leading Russian transport organizations of interest to them.

The inclusion of Abakan Airport in the Register indicates the high importance of the air harbor for the economy of the Republic of Khakassia.


Rules for the Registration of Tourist Groups on the Territory of the Republic of Khakassia

Rules for the registration of tourist groups on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia

Recently, adventure tourism has become increasingly popular in Russia. Adventure tourism includes water tourism (rafting on mountain rivers), caving, mountain skiing, parachuting, rock climbing, diving, mountaineering.

Representatives of tourist organizations and tourists are obliged to inform the Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia no later than ten working days before the start of the trip in the form of a notification of a tourist event in one of the following ways:

- on the official website of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;;

- by e-mail to the Crisis Management Center in the Republic of Khakassia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

- by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the address: Krylova Street 133/1, Abakan, Russia 655019;

- by calling the Crisis Management Center: +7 (3902) 295-521;

- with a personal appeal to the Crisis Management Center: Krylova Street 133/1, 3rd floor, the hall of the operational duty shift (on weekdays).

The notification must include the following information:

- contact details of the tourist organization (when holding the event by the tourist organization);

- contact details of the responsible representative, instructor-guide (for tourist groups),

- contact details of the tourist, and his close relative or another contact person (for a tourist making a single route);

- list of group members;

- planned date and time of departure and arrival, the travel period and method of informing the Crisis Management Center about its end;

- information about the route (starting and ending points), the presence of dangerous sections on the route;

- availability of the first aid equipment, means of communication, the use of which will ensure the organization of communication taking into account the peculiarities of the route, charged spare batteries for them, signal equipment;

- time frames (date and time) and method of organizing communication sessions on the route;

- means of transportation (if there are any).

The responsible representative must inform the Crisis Management Center about the upcoming start of the tourist event and, if necessary, clarify the previously provided information additionally by phone +7 (3902) 295-521 before the start of the tourist event (not earlier than a day).

At the end of the tourist event, the responsible representative must inform the Crisis Management Center about the return of the tourist organization and tourists from the route in time by the method specified in the notification.

Control over the travel of the group is carried out based on the specified data. Remember that in the absence of a message about passing route checkpoints or a message about the end of the trip, rescuers decide to start search and rescue operations. Therefore, the group that has violated the target time frames is obliged to report its location and the state of the group as soon as possible.

Do not forget that the effectiveness of the South Siberian Search and Rescue Team actions depends on the time of receipt of the message and the incident. The time it takes for you to get help depends on the accuracy of the information in the message.

To ensure your safety during the travel, we strongly recommend:

- to familiarize yourself with the necessary and reliable information about the potential danger on the route;

- to familiarize yourself with the available information on hydro and meteorological conditions in the area of ​​the proposed route;

- according to the hydro and meteorological conditions prevailing in the area of ​​the proposed route, potential hazards on the route, to consult with the South Siberian Search and Rescue Team by phone +7 (3902) 358-845 about the safe passage of the route, to observe the rules of personal and group safety, to check independently and to provide for checking group and personal equipment related to the safety of the route, available means of communication, signaling equipment, route documents, availability of food, medicines;

- to familiarize yourself with the nearest points of possible emergency communication along the route;

- to check the availability of insurance documents of the group and provide them for entering information in the «Register of sports tourist groups and individual citizens».

Information for tourists travelling across the territory of the Republic of Khakassia::

- the duty officer of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia: +7 (3902) 295-521, +7 (3902) 299-233, 19.mchs.gov.ru;

- the duty officer of the South Siberian Search and Rescue Team (a branch of the Federal State Institution of the Siberian Regional Search and Rescue Team of the EMERCOM of Russia): +7 (3902) 358-845, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

- the emergency phone number: 112.


Information for people with reduced mobility (persons with disabilities)


Information for passengers with disabilities

The lounge for passengers with reduced mobility is located on the first floor in the left wing of the terminal building. There is a medical center in the same block. For more information on the location of the rooms, see the airport terminal scheme.

The lounge for passengers with reduced mobility includes a recreation area and a kitchen area equipped with everything necessary. There is a call button for emergencies; using the button you can contact the airport staff to receive prompt assistance.

Special parking spaces, separate hygiene rooms, and special wall panels with call buttons have been created on the airport territory to ensure the principles of a barrier-free environment. Airport staff provides necessary assistance in going through pre- and post-flight formalities: check-in for the flight, baggage check-in, security screening, boarding, or meeting on the plane. All services for passengers with reduced mobility are provided free of charge.

Services to passengers with disabilities on the territory of the airport are provided free of charge according to the requirements of Order No. 24 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 15 February 2016 On Approval of the Procedure for the Provision of Services at Airports and on Aircraft to Passengers with Disabilities.

The infrastructure of Abakan International Airport is being improved according to the needs of passengers with disabilities.

At Abakan Airport, passengers with disabilities are provided with the following services free of charge:

1. Accompanying and assistance at the airport (including at the places of embarking and disembarking from a vehicle), check-in and baggage check-in, passing pre-flight and post-flight inspections, border and customs control, boarding and disembarking from an aircraft, baggage claim.

2. Provision of special mobility aids (including wheelchairs) for passengers with disabilities at the airport.

3. Duplication of sound and visual information provided at the airport and necessary for the acquaintance of passengers with disabilities.

4. Assistance while boarding and disembarking from an aircraft for passengers with disabilities who are unable to move independently.

5. Provision of a wheelchair for temporary use for passengers with disabilities unable to move independently in the event of a delay in the delivery of a special vehicle belonging to a passenger to the destination airport or airport of intermediate landing, or loss or damage (deterioration) of this vehicle during air transportation.

Wheelchairs are located on the first floor of the airport in the air transportation service and the lounge for passengers with reduced mobility.

Please read the information below. It will help to make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable.

Preparation for the trip.

If you or your loved ones are planning an air flight and belong to this category of passengers, please, when booking and purchasing an air ticket, be sure to inform what special services and assistance you will need at the airport and during the flight. The need for these services should be provided to the air carrier or the ticket agent at the time of purchase, but no later than 48 hours before departure. If the passenger's physical condition threatens the safety of the flight, the carrier has the right to refuse carriage.

According to Art. 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations "General Rules for Carriage of Passengers, Baggage, and Cargo by Air and Requirements for Service of Passengers, Consignors, Consignees", the passenger must agree with the carrier the transportation of:

- Severely ill passenger;

- Passenger on a stretcher;

- Deaf passenger without an accompanying person;

- Blind passenger with a guide dog;

- Unaccompanied passenger, blind and/or deaf, who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;

- Passenger with reduced mobility while using air transport and/or whose condition requires special attention during service (passenger with reduced mobility).

Service for passengers arriving at Abakan Airport.

At the check-in for a flight arriving at Abakan Airport, be sure to inform us what special services and assistance you will need at the airport upon arrival. If you checked in for the flight using mobile check-in, from the airline's website, or at the airport at a self-check-in kiosk, contact the check-in counter of the departure airport to remark about the services you need at the airport of arrival.

After the aircraft has landed at Abakan Airport, according to the rules established in civil aviation, assistance and escort services will be provided to you at the end of the disembarkation of all passengers.

You will be assisted in disembarking from the aircraft, baggage claim, and, if necessary, accompanied to road transport.

Service for passengers departing from Abakan Airport.

Upon arrival at the airport.

There are parking spaces in front of the terminal building where you or a person accompanying you can leave your car. Free parking spaces are used by passengers of disability groups 1 and 2. If you need help with escorting from a parking space, please contact us via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upon arrival at the airport, if you wish, you can independently go through registration and pre-flight formalities.

If you need help, there are buttons to call the airport medical center employees at the entrance of the terminal building, in front of the security screening area, and in the area for passengers with reduced mobility. Also, call buttons are located on the second floor of the terminal building on the staircase in the right wing and toilet rooms for passengers with reduced mobility.


Check-in of passengers with disabilities for flights of all airlines is performed out of turn. You will be provided with assistance in passing check-in, border and customs control, baggage check-in, and baggage claim if necessary.

The free baggage allowance and its dimensions as well as the restrictions for the carriage of individual vehicles on the aircraft are established by the airline. An electrically powered wheelchair used by a passenger is checked-in baggage at the check-in.

According to ICAO «Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air», passengers using a wheelchair with liquid electrolyte are required to carry a set of keys/tools for disconnecting wheelchair battery terminals and battery packaging. Disconnection and connection of battery terminals of an electrically powered wheelchair are carried out by passengers on their own or by an airport employee at the request of a service need.

A guide dog accompanying a visually impaired passenger is transported free of charge over the free baggage allowance. A guide dog must have a collar and a muzzle and must be tied to the seat at the feet of the accompanied passenger. The passenger must present a document confirming disability and a document confirming the special training of the guide dog to the carrier.

Dog walking is carried out on the territory adjacent to the terminal square (park) according to Rules for keeping domestic and farm animals in the city of Abakan, approved by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Abakan No. 318 dated 3 March 2016.

Waiting and boarding.

There is an area for passengers with disabilities to wait for boarding.

If you are travelling with children, you can use the baby care room.

If you need medical assistance and specialist advice, please contact the medical center on the first floor of the terminal.

Accompanying while boarding is carried out by the airport staff depending on the state of health of passengers with disabilities.

If you have questions related to the service of passengers with disabilities at the airport, please contact us via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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