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Medical Center

The medical center is located on the first floor in the left wing of the terminal building. Opening hours: 24 hours a day.
The medical center has all the necessary equipment for first aid. Specialists will consult passengers on medical contraindications at air travel.


International Civil Aviation Organization Recommendations

On the imposition of restrictions on the carriage of portable electronic devices in baggage on civil aviation aircraft

Recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO (electronic bulletin «Portable Electronic Devices» EB 2017/23 dated 31 March 2017)

1. The device must be completely powered off (not in standby or energy-saving mode) and placed in protective packaging to prevent unintentional activation or damage. Suitable protection can be provided in the form of a hard suitcase and/or shock-absorbing material such as clothing to prevent movement.

2. The carriage of spare batteries, power banks, and portable electronic smoking devices (e.g. e-cigarettes, personal steam generators) in baggage or cabin luggage is currently prohibited.


Sanitary and Quarantine Control

The main documents establishing the procedure for conducting sanitary and quarantine control:

Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 299 dated 28 May 2010 «On the Application of Sanitary Measures in the Customs Union».

Government Resolution No. 500 dated 29 June 2011 «On Approval of Rules of Sanitary and Quarantine Control at Checkpoints on the Border of the Russian Federation».

Administrative regulations for the execution by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare of the state function for the implementation of sanitary and quarantine control at checkpoints on the Russian section of the external border of the Customs Union approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 218n dated 12 March 2012.


Veterinary Control, Phytocontrol

The weight of the animals and birds accompanied, including the weight of containers (cages) and food, is not included in the free baggage allowance. The transportation price depends on the total weight. The animal is weighed together with the container. The transportation of animals is paid at the excess baggage office in the check-in hall. Guide dogs are transported without cage free of charge over the free baggage allowance, provided that such a dog has a collar, a muzzle, and a leash.

Transportation rules:

The passenger must report about the transportation of an animal on board the aircraft at the stage of a ticket purchase. The passenger is allowed to carry no more than two animals at a time. Please contact the consulate of the country of destination for all questions about the import permit of a certain kind and breed of an animal. The passenger must have a certificate issued by a competent government agency and other documents required by the veterinary authorities of any country to, from, or through which the transportation is carried out.

The number of relevant baggage places for animal transportation is different on each aircraft. Please check the transportation conditions in advance: carrier guarantees, transportation standards. Consider the behavior features of your pet. It is allowed to transport animals weighing less than 5 kg in a container in the cabin of the aircraft.

Animals are accepted for carriage on condition that the passenger assumes full responsibility for them. The carrier is not responsible for bodily injury, loss, delay in delivery, illness or death of animals, and refusal to import or transport them through any country or territory.

    In the case of animal transportation, we recommend securing a set of documents:
  • Veterinary passport
  • Health certificate:
  • a) Veterinary certificate form No. 1 that may be issued by any state veterinary clinic for domestic flights.
  • b) If the animal is exported abroad, the veterinary control service issues a veterinary certificate form No. 5a, in Russian and in English.
  • c) If the animal is imported into the Russian Federation from abroad, then it must have a veterinary certificate of the exporting country, in return for which the airport veterinary control service issues a veterinary certificate form No. 6.1 in Russian.
  • The certificate contains information about vaccinations by age. The last rabies vaccination must be given no earlier than a year and no later than two months before departure.

  • Certificate from the club (Russian Kennel Clubs Union or Russian Cynological Federation) that the dog does not represent breeding value. Certificates from other clubs may raise questions at customs.

Quarantine phytosanitary requirements:

    The following cargoes and materials are subject to phytosanitary inspection and quarantine examination at border checkpoints:

  • seeds and planting material of agricultural, forest, flower and ornamental crops, plants and their parts (cuttings, scions, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, roots, potted plants, flowers cuts, etc.);
  • fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and mushrooms;
  • food, fodder and technical grain and products of its processing, copra, malt, flakes, bagasse, cotton fiber, flax and other spinning and fiber crops, medicinal plant material, hides and skins, wool;
  • rice, nuts, peanuts, flour, cereals, coffee beans, cocoa beans, dried fruit and vegetables, tobacco, spices, tea, raw sugar;
  • cultures of living fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, mites, insects that are pathogens and carriers of plant diseases and damaging living plants, plant products;
  • collections of insects, plant pathogens, herbaria, seed collections;
  • plant enclosures in postal items, baggage, and cabin luggage;
  • containers, timber, some industrial products, packaging materials, products made from plant materials, monoliths, soil samples;
  • forage, hay, compound feed, and bedding when importing animals from quarantine zones.

In cases stipulated by the rules and regulations for ensuring plant quarantine, the import of consignments of quarantine plant products to the Russian Federation is allowed, if there is a phytosanitary certificate of the exporting country.

Phytosanitary certificates are not required when importing quarantine products of high phytosanitary risk (fruits, vegetables) in baggage and cabin luggage provided that the amount of such products does not exceed 5 kilograms, and there are no seeds (seed material), planting material, or potatoes.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, to prevent penetration of quarantine objects into or the spread over the territory of the Russian Federation, quarantine products can be removed, destroyed, or returned under the requirements of the officials of the state supervision agency in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Exported quarantine plant products from Russia must meet the phytosanitary standards of international agreements on quarantine plants. Export is accompanied by phytosanitary certificates. All quarantine plant products must undergo the inspection, according to the results of which a phytosanitary certificate is issued. Phytosanitary control of exported goods is conducted ​​in the places of initial shipment of these goods and at the airport for the second time.

Violation of the procedure for the import and export of quarantine products shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine under Article 10.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.


Border Control

The rules for crossing the Russian border are determined by the Russian Border Guard Service. The main regulations are the following:

  • State Border crossing of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods, and animals is carried out at the established State Border crossing points. State Border crossing lies in the fact of recognition of the legality of crossing by persons, vehicles arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation, movement of goods, animals to the territory of the Russian Federation or in a permit for crossing by persons, vehicles departing from the Russian Federation, movement of goods, animals across the State Border outside the Russian Federation.
  • The ground for State border crossing of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods, and animals is the availability of valid documents for the right of persons to enter the Russian Federation or leave the Russian Federation, documents for vehicles, goods, and animals.
  • State Border crossing is prohibited for foreign citizens and stateless persons, who are not allowed to enter the Russian Federation according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as persons, who are prohibited to leave the Russian Federation according to the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Federal Law No. 148-FZ dated 29 November 1996).
  • An agreement of the Russian Federation with a neighboring state may establish a simplified procedure for State border crossing of citizens of the Russian Federation and a neighboring state in terms of determining documents for the right to leave the Russian Federation and enter the Russian Federation.
  • State Border crossing of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods, and animals includes border control (checking the grounds for State Border crossing for the purpose of detection and detention of offenders, transported cargo, goods, and animals that are prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation for import to or export from the Russian Federation), and if necessary customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary, transport, and other types control (as amended by the Federal Law No. 148-FZ dated 29 November 1996).

Official website of the Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation



Ten facts about aviation security:

  1. The purpose of a pre-flight inspection is to ensure the safety of passengers.
  2. Passing inspection is a duty established by international and Russian rules. Refusal to pass the inspection entails the termination of the air carriage contract.
  3. Any jokes on aviation security during the pre-flight inspection are unacceptable and entail repeated inspection of passengers, baggage, delay in the departure of the aircraft, compensation by the passenger, who made the joke.
  4. Pre-flight inspection is carried out using technical means of inspection. A body search may be carried out by the decision of an aviation security service employee or a representative of Internal Affairs authorities.
  5. At the request of passengers with implanted pacemakers, their inspection is carried out without the use of technical means.
  6. Pre-flight inspection of passengers, who are unable to move independently, is carried out at the medical center.
  7. It is prohibited to carry any containers with liquids (including those that are less than 100 ml) in cabin luggage. The exceptions are medicines, special dietary needs, baby food (including breast milk) in the amount required for the duration of the flight subject to their identification.
  8. Liquids, gels, and aerosols purchased from duty-free shops are packed in plastic bags that can only be opened on board the aircraft.
  9. It is necessary to inform an aviation security service employee or a representative of Internal Affairs authorities about the carried weapons in advance.
  10. It is prohibited to accept from unauthorized persons any items for transportation or temporary storage in the lounges and the adjacent territory.

Clarification to Air Passengers

In connection with the increased frequency of violations of consumer rights by airlines, the Abakan Transport Prosecutor's Office explains the following:

The passenger has the right to carry cabin luggage on board the aircraft in the absence of items prohibited from carriage and subject to observing dimensions established by the airline.

Above the free baggage allowance established by the rules of the airlines (including cabin luggage and checked-in baggage), the passenger has the right to carry the items specified in paragraph 135 of FAP-82 in the aircraft cabin free of charge (handbag or briefcase; folder for papers; umbrella; walking stick; flower bouquet; outerwear; prints for reading in flight; baby food for a child during the flight; cell phone; camera; video camera; laptop; suit in a garment bag; cradle when transporting a child; crutches, folding wheelchair with dimensions that allow it to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat).

The carrier is obliged to take all possible measures on joint accommodation on board the aircraft of an adult passenger (or a passenger who acquired full legal capacity according to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation) and a child under the age of 12 travelling with him/her.

By Federal Law No. 228-FZ dated July 29, 2017, from September 29, 2017, amendments were made to Art. 103 of the Air Code in terms of establishing the possibility of excluding from the air carriage contract the condition on the presence of a passenger baggage allowance without charging an additional fee. At the same time, the application of such a fare by the airline will allow the passenger to carry cabin luggage free of charge.

It is important to understand that checked-in baggage is not cabin luggage; it is a new term that is also being introduced by this federal law. Even if the passenger chooses a “no baggage” ticket, the right to carry cabin luggage remains with him.

In case of violation of consumer rights, please contact the Abakan Transport Prosecutor's Office by phone: +7 (3902) 222-307, +7 (3902) 294-278, or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (address: Vokzalnaya Street, 9, Abakan).


Damage and Loss

Baggage damage

If upon receiving your baggage you find any defects in it (the baggage is damaged or part of the content is missing), please contact the airport employee, who will be present at baggage claim and explain to you the order of further actions.

    Completing the Property Irregularity Report you need to contact:
  • the customs arrival area of the airport (if you arrived from abroad);
  • the baggage claim area (if you arrived on a domestic flight).

In case of failure to meet these conditions, the decision to draw up an act is made by the carrier. Baggage damage may be visible and invisible, and there may be damage to the contents of the baggage. The passenger is compensated only for visible damage. If baggage damage is found, the passenger must contact an agent of the baggage claim department (baggage claim area) and follow him to draw up the relevant documents.

Baggage loss

If you do not find your baggage by the end of baggage claim from your flight, please contact the airport employee, who will explain to you the order of further actions. In most cases, baggage is sent by the carrier within five days after the baggage non-arrival was declared.


Reception / Delivery

The maximum weight of one piece of baggage must not exceed 30 kg (when purchasing a ticket, please check with the airlines for up-to-date accurate data).
If one piece of baggage exceeds 50kg, this baggage can be accepted for carriage only as cargo, with registration through the commercial warehouse of the airport.

Free baggage allowance

The free baggage allowance is set by the carrier (airline).

    You can carry the following items over the free baggage allowance established by the airlines if they are in the hands of the passenger and are not included in cabin luggage:

  • Attache case
  • Plastic bag
  • Flower bouquet
  • Handbag or folder for papers
  • Press for reading during the flight
  • Umbrella or walking stick
  • Coat or cloak
  • Baby food
  • Baby travel cradle
  • Folding wheelchair and/or crutches if such items are necessary for the passenger.
  • Cradle, wheelchair, and crutches may be transported in the aircraft luggage compartment.
Dangerous items and substances prohibited from carriage

    To ensure safety, passengers are prohibited from transporting the following dangerous items and substances with them in baggage and cabin luggage:

  • Compressed gases (flammable, non-flammable or poisonous): household gas, butane, oxygen, propane, charged diving cylinders;
  • Corrosive substances: acids, alkalis, batteries, mercury, and devices containing mercury;
  • Explosives: ammunition, equipment, pyrotechnics, signal flares;
  • Flammable liquids and solids: liquids for lighters, matches, and other flammable substances;
  • Radioactive materials;
  • Briefcases with a built-in signaling device;
  • Oxidants: bleaches and peroxides;
  • Poisons: arsenic, cyanide substances, insecticides, herbicides;
  • Infectious materials: bacteria, viral cultures;
  • Other dangerous items and substances: magnetized materials, aggressive substances.

Carriage of small arms, equipment, and dry ice is permitted in limited quantities and subject to certain conditions. For more information, please contact the air carrier. No firearms are allowed in the cabin.


Animals and Plants

Animals and birds are accepted for air transportation by prior agreement with the carrier and transported in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. At the time of the conclusion of the air carriage contract, the passenger must inform the carrier of the number of animals and birds transported.

Cats, dogs, and birds, the size of which does not exceed the established standards of airlines, are transported by prior agreement with the carrier. When registering the carriage of animals and birds, the passenger must provide a certificate from the veterinary service.

Acceptance of animals and birds for carriage is made on condition that the passenger assumes full responsibility for them. The carrier is not responsible for bodily injuries, loss, delay in delivery, illness or death of such animals and birds, and refusal to import or transport them to (through) the country. To transport an animal or bird, the passenger must have a container (cage). The bottom of the container (cage) must be covered with an absorbent material and the door must be closed by a padlock. Birdcages must be covered with dense light-proof cloth. The sum of three dimensions of the container (cage) must not exceed 160 cm.

The passenger is obliged to comply with all the requirements of the carrier and reimburse the carrier for losses and additional costs that may arise during the carriage of an animal or a bird. Experimental animals are not accepted for carriage. Guide dogs for visually impaired passengers are accepted for carriage in the cabin in a muzzle and on a leash, provided that there is a certificate of special training for the dog and a certificate from the veterinary service. Guide dogs are carried free of charge. They are placed in the back rows of the passenger compartment and must be tied to the owner's seat at his feet.

The free baggage allowance does not apply to animals and birds. The carriage of animals and birds must be paid at the excess baggage rate based on the actual weight of the animal or bird together with the container and according to the current rates. It is impossible to transport baggage and cargo containing food in the luggage compartment, where animals or birds will be transported, as there is a risk of contamination.

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